Glass Mezzuzahs

Just a short note about our Glass Mezuzah Collection. Since we have such a large selection to choose from we have divided each into a category. Some are serious but most are Funny, Whimsical, Occupation Related, but all are Colorful and Happy. "The Professional" mirrors doctors, dentists, lawyers and Judges. "The Floral" are permanent bouquets on your door frame. "The Wilbur" are funny and cute that will make you smile every time you enter the room. Many in the visible scroll series have all or part of the included scroll visible from the front as well as the rear. In this series is "Joey's Luncheon" which is the most colorful and is created by more than 30 pieces of fused glass together. The Sports have many unique one of a kind golf stories. Each Glass Mezuzah is about 5 inches by 1.5 inches wide. This is not exact since the designs all vary slightly in size. Some are 4 inches high but these are clearly marked. Our designs are so different and unique that many have more than 40 individual pieces of glass to create the desired appearance.

Abstract Glass

Visible Scroll Series

Floral Series

The Wilber Series

Glass Professional

Sports Series

14 Series

General Glass